Pureco grp pipes help sustainable water management on river Drava
  • River Drava, Hungary, 2019
  • Ancient Drava Program, EU project
  • Water Transportation
  • GRP pipes
  • 1,303 m

The so-called Ancient Drava Program is realized by European Union fund from the “Water Retention and Land Use Change” program. Within the framework of the project, 1,313 m pressure pipe is used made of long-lasting, corrosion-resistant, lightweight, fibreglassreinforced polyester (GRP) pipes, diameter DN 1600 manufactured by ROREX Pipe Srl., distributed by Pureco. The 5,000 l/s of water to be lifted from the Drava will be transferred to a reservoir-distribution basin, from where smaller pipelines will supply life-giving water to the area, which is doomed to dehydration due to the incision of the Drava riverbed. The diameter of the installed pipeline, in addition to the given topographical and elevation line and a possible long-term development can also ensure the transmission of a higher volume of water with a volume flow of about 7,000 l/s.