We have been working on the Pipe-it-Up Ghana board game for almost two years. As a result of this period the first 1000 pieces arrived in Ghana at the beginning of July 2022.
During this period we were in continuous contact with Zoomlion Foundation Ghana who helped us to test the game. Hon. Cecilia Abena Dapaah the Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources (Ghana) sent her message as a foreword to the children inserted in every box.
From the idea of designing an educative game about water, we completed our project and Ghanaian kids can start playing and learning about sustainable water management. The game is really attractive and gives great moments to kids who learn by playing .
Let us dive into the details of the Pipe It Up board game! In this news, we guide you through the game and share the tutorial, the manual, the rule book, the playbook and many other interesting details. The main aim is the game to build an extensive pipeline system and connect every city to the network of Ghana. Not all the cities are included in the game, but the pipeline network covers most towns and cities in the country. Whenever the player rolls dice each turn to determine the income and see how many pipes there will be at his disposal. To increase the income the main task is to build water treatment plants. The goal of the game is to acquire the most victory points. Victory points are granted for building pipelines, building water treatment plants, and accomplishing missions.
The detailed rulebook is attached to this article. The playbook is one of the most essential parts of the game in respect of environmental education. During the game, the payers pull question cards and have to answer them to be able to continue the game and get extra points. As a piece of background knowledge, we designed this book in that the kids can get extra information for each question. The playbook is also attached.
In January 2022 with the cooperation of Zoomlion Foundation we organised a small board game championship with a sample of the games that proved to be successful and from now many other kids are free to play with Pipe-it-up Ghana. Last but not least you can find the link to the tutorial video for further and more detailed information on how to play the game: