Launch event of Pipe it up

Launch event of Pipe it up

Our board game Pipe it up, Ghana was officially launched in Accra with the participation of the Ghanaian Ministry of Water Resources, the Ghanaian Ministry of Education, and the Embassy of Hungary in Ghana.

Preserving clean water sources and groundwater resources depends not only on building a modern infrastructure but also on education and awareness raising. A comprehensive sustainability program has been launched in Ghana with this in mind. 

The Pureco-Unit Consortium, led by Pureco, is investing €30 million in wastewater treatment in Ghana, including the provision and deployment of appropriate technology, engineering training and environmental education for the youngest generation. 

The latter is accompanied by an English-language board game called "Pipe it up, Ghana", which was officially launched on 20 October 2022 in Accra, the capital of Ghana, with the participation of the local Ministry of Water Resources and the Ambassador of Hungary to Ghana. 

Picture of the official Boardgame Launching Ceremony 

Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most critical regions in terms of the global water crisis, which is already being felt in our country. However, water scarcity is only part of the problem. The lack of a sewage network - which is taken for granted in Hungary - and the contamination of surface and groundwater cause ongoing health problems and serious illnesses. Addressing water-related problems is therefore not just an environmental issue, as it also has significant social and economic impacts.

To address water issues, the Pureco-Unit Consortium is building wastewater treatment plants in 3 of Ghana's largest cities - Kumasi, Tamale and Takoradi - at a cost of nearly €30 million. EXIM Bank is providing buyer credit financing and Pureco has developed a unique solution (Septopure® technology for 100% treatment of siphoned wastewater), specifically adapted to local needs, given the absence of a wastewater network.

In addition, Hungarian experts are managing the manufacture of equipment and components, the construction management, the mechanical and electrical installations, and the installation of the mechanical and biological treatment plants.

Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong, a Jospong Group of Companies CEO

"Protecting the environment and providing everyday sanitation for more than 3.5 million people is not just about building innovative technologies. The long-term successful operation of facilities developed and implemented entirely on a tailor-made, local basis requires the training of local professionals and the education of the population, with special attention to the youngest generation.

Therefore, within the framework of the project, we put a strong emphasis on the training of local engineers and social awareness-raising", said Bálint Horváth, Managing Director of Pureco Ltd. and head of the Pureco-Unit Consortium, on the occasion of the water diplomacy event on Thursday.

Mr Bálint Horváth, leader of Pureco-Unit Consortium

Environmentally responsible lifestyles also depend on children.
"In Hungary, children in nursery and school are taught about the environment in a comprehensive way. We are helping to transfer this positive practice to the African region. After all, environmental education is essential for the future generation to live more water-conscious and healthier lives," said Bálint Horváth.

Therefore, the Consortium has developed a mindset-building board game based on the principles of sustainability, which helps to introduce the importance of water, the basics of environmental thinking, and water-conscious and careful management to 10-14-year-olds. Pipe it up, Ghana is a game about building water pipelines in Ghana, where players are given access to important information and knowledge about water, water resources, and the environment through a series of question cards, which help them to develop their attitudes almost imperceptibly.

Demonstration of playing the game at the ceremony

The official handover of the board game took place in Accra, the capital of Ghana, on 20 October, attended by Ghana's Minister of Water Resources and the Ambassador of Hungary to Ghana. 

Mr. Tamás Fehér, Ambassador of Hungary to Ghana

"Exporting businesses and capital abroad supports the domestic economy, both in terms of domestic taxes and high value-added goods and services. Moreover, the projects of the Pureco-led Consortium contribute to the long-term sustainable development of the country, as well as to the growth of the export market. Moreover, it enhances the recognition of the domestic water industry and Hungarian expertise. This will enable access to additional markets in the region," said Tamás Fehér, Ambassador of Hungary to Ghana. 

The official announcement ceremony on 20 October can be watched at the link below:  LINK